Sunday, April 10, 2016

Art Gallery Visit

larrykrueger212's Visit 2 album on Photobucket
Step 1: The Exhibition
Questions about the exhibit:
1. What is the title of the exhibit? 
  • The exhibit is Alexander and The Levy Landscape Exhibit.

2. What is the theme of the exhibition?
  • Landscape theme

Step 2: The Gallery
Questions about the physical space:1. What type of lighting is used?
  • Bright Lights were used
2. What colors are used on the walls?
  • White Walls were in the exhibit
3. What materials are used in the interior artchitecture of the space?
  • Paintings on Canvas with Oil
4. How is the movement of the viewer through the gallery space?
  • It was very relaxing going through the exhibit with all the different nature pieces.

Step 3: The Artwork
Questions about the artwork:1. How are the artworks organized?
  • I thought it was very well organized and everything flowed well.
2. How are the artrworks similar?
  • I felt the artworks had similarities in areas.
3. How are the artworks different?
  • They were different in that the style of artwork was different whether it was a painting or Oil on canvas.
4. How are the artworks framed?
  • The artworks I chose were all encapsulated in nice wooden frames.
5. How are the artworks identified and labeled?
  • Each artwork piece had a plak next to the artwork with the information on the piece and description along with it describing the art piece.

Art Mask Design

1. Upload the three (3) inspiration images to your Blog (or link to your Photobucket account). Explain why you selected the inspiration pieces.
  • I chose the three masks, because I am an avid sports fan. I absolutely love my buffalo teams, so I thought why not design something that I love. 

2. Include the analysis and description (art criticism steps) of the three (3) inspiration pieces.
  • I thought the mask design I did had a great use of the elements and principles. I decided to use a bit from each mask inspiration I chose. I thought that the ones I chose all used the elements and principles very well.

4. Explain how you used the Elements and Principles in your finished mask.
  • I chose to do a collage of different images that I liked from three images I chose to work from. I tried my best when looking for the for examples to use in my mask that I incorporated as much of the elements and principles as I could. 

5. Share your opinion of your finished mask and what you thought about creating the mask.
  • Seeing this was my first mask design I thought that it came out fairly well. It was fun to do and a little challenging to do cause of how I chose to make my mask. I like how it came out, I would've added more images but I didn't want it to be over crowded and not be able to see the main ones I wanted to show. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Artwork - Line Blog

1. What was it like using your hand as subject matter for a drawing?
  • I thought this project was interesting to do with the use of my hand as the object. My only complaint was that I found it rather difficult to do this at first seeing as I am not a art major student nor do I have art background. I feel as if I didn't know much about detailing drawings. If I had more knowledge I could have done a better job with this project.

2. What media did you select - pencil or charcoal? Why?
  • I chose to use pencil. I thought the charcoal would be to dark and if it smeared from my hand rubbing the paper the drawing would've looked terrible. The pencil was much easier to work with and I feel that it stood out pretty good and can still tell what it's supposed to be.

3. How did it feel to create a drawing with your non-dominant hand?
  • I felt really awkward doing that with my non dominant hand. I was amazed by how much we really are dependent on our dominant hand in everyday life.

4. Compare and contrast your final drawings. Do you think they are successful studies?
  • I feel as if both my drawings would've been better if I knew more about art drawing and this was the major I was going to be in. In my opinion for not having much knowledge I would say that they look pretty good. There's definitely differences between the two hand drawings, some parts look more realistic than the other one. I honestly think these are successful studies, but feel that with a little more explanation for this task I would have a better idea if they were successful or not.

5. Would you consider using your non-dominant hand to create artwork in the future?
  • No I would not consider using my non dominant hand for creating art work again when it comes to drawings things. It was too awkward for me and I didn't feel right doing it that way. I kept wanting to switch to my dominant hand.