Thursday, May 5, 2016

Self Portrait/Gallery Visit #3

1. Why did you select the inspiration pieces?

I chose these portraits because I thought they were perfect examples of portraits. There was a decent amount of detail in the images.

2. Why did you select the media to create your self-portrait?

I selected to use pencil for my drawing. I didn't want to have something to dark and it was easier to change if I needed to. I also felt that with not being that artistic I didn't feel comfortable with anything else. 

3. What challenges did you face in creating your self-portrait and how did you overcome them?

I didn't really run into anything difficulties when creating my self portrait. The biggest thing was picking an image of my self to use.

4. How does this piece represent you?

I felt that the image I chose suits me well and defines what type of person I really am.

5. What elements and principles of art did you apply in this work?

I applied a decent amount of line in my portrait.

6. Did you enjoy working on this project?

This was a fun project to do for one of the last projects. It was a nice simple thing to finish off the semester.

7. What do you think of your final artwork?

I feel pretty good about my piece of art. I really like how it turned out.

P.S. Don't mind my wife's reflection in the one picture.

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